Why do Botec meditations?

Botec meditations can help you:

  • Feel more relaxed and calm
  • Love yourself more
  • Have more energy
  • Feel healthier
  • Connect with your inner self

The Eight Energy Centers

In this meditation, we focus on eight energy centers in our body. Each center is like a special spot that controls different parts of how we feel and what our body does.

  1. First Center: At the bottom of your spine
  2. Second Center: Just below your belly button
  3. Third Center: In your upper belly
  4. Fourth Center: In the middle of your chest
  5. Fifth Center: In your throat
  6. Sixth Center: Between the back of your tongue and back of the head
  7. Seventh Center: At the top of your head just behind the eye brows
  8. Eighth Center: Just above your head

8 energy centers

How to Do the Botec Meditations

Getting Ready

  1. Find a quiet, comfy place where you won't be bothered.
  2. Sit in a chair or on the floor. Make sure your back is straight but not stiff.
  3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.

Starting the Meditation

Focus on your breath: Take slow, deep breaths. Feel your chest and belly move as you breathe.

Think about love: Imagine a warm, loving feeling in your heart. This is the love you'll send to each energy center.

Blessing Each Energy Center

For each center, you'll do two things:

Narrow focus: Think about the exact spot where the center is.

Wide focus: Think about the area around that spot.

Energy Center 1 - Root Chakra or Muladhara

First Center (Bottom of spine)

What it does: Controls your sexual energy and creativity.

How to bless it:

  1. Focus on the spot at the bottom of your spine.
  2. Send love to this area. You can think, "I love you" or "Thank you for your energy."
  3. Imagine the area glowing with warm, loving light.
Energy Center 3 - Solar Plexus or Manipurathana

Second Center (Below belly button)

What it does: Helps with digestion and how you connect with others.

How to bless it:

  1. Move your attention to just below your belly button.
  2. Send love here. You might think, "I appreciate you" or "You are important."
  3. Picture this area filling with loving energy.

Energy Center 3 - Solar Plexus or Manipurathana

Third Center (Upper belly)

What it does: Gives you willpower and helps you face challenges.

How to bless it:

  1. Focus on your upper belly, near your stomach.
  2. Send love to this spot. Try thinking, "You are strong" or "Thank you for your power."
  3. Imagine strength and confidence flowing into this area.
Energy Center 4 - Heart Chakra or Anahataathana

Fourth Center (Middle of chest)

What it does: This is where love, caring, and gratitude come from.

How to bless it:

  1. Bring your attention to the middle of your chest.
  2. Send lots of love here. You might think, "I am full of love" or "Thank you for connecting me to others."
  3. Picture your heart glowing with warm, pink light.
Energy Center 5 - Throat Chakra or Vishudhaaathana

Fifth Center (Throat)

What it does: Helps you express yourself and share your feelings.

How to bless it:

  1. Focus on your throat area.
  2. Send love to this spot. Think something like, "I speak my truth with love" or "Thank you for helping me communicate."
  3. Imagine a blue light in your throat, helping your words flow freely.
Energy Center 6 - Third Eye or Ajna

Sixth Center (Between eyebrows)

What it does: This is where your intuition and inner wisdom come from.

How to bless it:

  1. Bring your attention to the spot between your eyebrows.
  2. Send love here. You might think, "I trust my inner wisdom" or "Thank you for guiding me."
  3. Picture a purple light glowing in this spot, opening your inner eye.
Energy Center 7 - Crown Chakra or Sahasara

Seventh Center (Top of head)

What it does: Connects you to higher thoughts and spiritual ideas.

How to bless it:

  1. Focus on the very top of your head.
  2. Send love to this area. Think something like, "I am open to higher wisdom" or "Thank you for connecting me to the universe."
  3. Imagine a white or golden light shining down on the top of your head.


Eighth Center (Above head)

What it does: Helps you receive energy and information from the world around you.

How to bless it:

  1. Bring your attention to the space just above your head.
  2. Send love to this spot. You might think, "I am open to receiving" or "Thank you for connecting me to all that is."
  3. Picture a column of light extending from above your head up into the sky.

Finishing the Meditation

  • After blessing all eight centers, take a moment to feel the energy flowing through your whole body.
  • Imagine all the centers glowing and connected by a stream of light.
  • Feel gratitude for your body and all it does for you.
  • Slowly open your eyes when you're ready.

Tips for a Better Experience

  • Don't worry about doing it perfectly: There's no right or wrong way to feel or visualize. Just do your best.
  • Be patient: It might take time to feel or notice changes. That's okay!
  • Practice regularly: Try to do this meditation every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.
  • Listen to your body: You might feel tingles, warmth, or other sensations. This is normal and good.
  • Let go of control: Don't try to force anything. Just relax and let the meditation happen.

What You Might Feel

Everyone experiences this meditation differently. You might:

  • Feel warm or tingly in different parts of your body
  • See colors or images in your mind
  • Feel very relaxed or peaceful
  • Have ideas or insights pop into your head
  • Feel emotional (happy, sad, or anything in between)

All of these are normal and good. There's no "right" way to feel.

The Science Behind It

This meditation isn't just about feeling good. It can actually change how your body works:

  • Heart rhythm: When you're stressed, your heartbeat can get jumpy and uneven. This meditation helps make your heartbeat smooth and steady, which is called "coherence".
  • Energy boost: When your heart rhythm is smooth, your body doesn't have to work as hard. This saves energy and can make you feel more alive and awake.
  • Brain changes: Regular meditation can change how your brain works, helping you feel calmer and more focused.

Connecting with Your Energy Centers

As you practice this meditation more, you might start to feel a special connection with each energy center. It's like getting to know different parts of yourself better. You might notice:

  • Which centers feel easy to connect with
  • Which ones feel blocked or need more love
  • How different centers affect your mood or energy

Remember, there's no rush. Take your time getting to know each center.

Making It Your Own

While it's good to follow the basic steps, you can also make this meditation your own:

  • Use your own words to bless each center
  • Spend more time on centers that need extra attention
  • Add your own visualizations or affirmations
  • Try different times of day to see what works best for you.

Combining with Other Practices

  • The blessing of the Energy Centres meditation works well with other practices:
  • Yoga: Do the meditation after yoga to enhance the benefits
  • Journaling: Write about your experiences after meditating
  • Breathing exercises: Start with some deep breathing to get more relaxed


  • This meditation is all about loving yourself and your body. It's a way to say "thank you" to all the parts of you that work hard every day. By sending love and good energy to these special spots in your body, you're helping yourself feel better, healthier, and more connected to who you really are.
  • Don't worry if you don't feel anything big right away. Like any skill, meditation takes practice. The more you do it, the easier it will become and the more benefits you'll notice. Just showing up and trying is already a big step towards taking care of yourself.
  • So, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy this journey of getting to know yourself better through the blessing of the Energy Centres meditation.